Helianthus Roseus
Ayli, the Slime-Loving Sunshine Adventurer
A girl with a past shrouded in mystery, the nevertheless cheery Ayli is a member of the Adventurers’ Guild.Ayli is a cheerful girl who enjoys making people smile. She tends to take commissions from the Adventurers’ Guild that focus on helping those in need. Because Ayli has no memories from before she woke up in a laboratory, she struggles with social interactions, try as she may. Ayli will oftentimes try too hard to be friendly, resulting in people distancing themselves from her. She is quite lonely as a result and is afraid that people will abandon her when they get to know her. The lucky few that she’s managed to befriend are subjected to silly nicknames and playful teasing from time to time.

Ayli uses the medium female model. She has bright pink cat-like eyes, fluffy shoulder-length pink hair, subtly tanned skin with freckles on her face and shoulders, and fluffy pink cat ears, one of which is concealed underneath her beret. She wears green short-overalls and a matching off-center green beret adorned with sunflowers and pink ribbons as well as an off-shoulder ruffled pink shirt with a darker pink bow loosely tied around the collar. She has a brown belt around her waist and a sunflower-shaped bag that hangs near her left hip, and she attaches her dendro vision to the center of the sunflower bag. She also wears pink gladiator-like sandals. Overall, Ayli’s design has quite a bit of green and pink with sunflower motifs.

Who am I...?
Ayli’s earliest memories are from when she woke up in an abandoned laboratory. She emerged from some sort of chamber and searched for clues about who she was, but all she found were tattered, dusty illegible research notes in a journal labeled AYLI as well as her unusually shaped dendro vision. In a nearby chamber, she discovered a pink dendro slime, and feeling bad for the creature, Ayli set the slime free. The slime was grateful and grew attached to Ayli, so she named her new companion Miyu and set off to explore the outside world with her new friend.Ayli and Miyu discovered a settlement after a few days of traveling, and Ayli decided it was a good idea to ask around and see if anyone knew of her or recognized her. Unfortunately she found no leads, but she was referred to the Adventurers Guild to find answers. That was when Ayli and Miyu became an adventuring duo, traveling between nations to help those in need while searching for clues about her origins.Because Ayli woke up afraid and alone in a pitch dark place, she is terrified of the dark and will outright refuse commissions where she’d have to explore dark, creepy, or abandoned places. She also has a phobia of spiders and ghosts alongside nyctophobia.

What should we do today, Mimi?
Ayli’s favorite thing to do when she’s not adventuring is to spend time with the Chief Alchemist of the Knights of Favonius. Ayli became enamored with Albedo’s quiet yet charming nature and discovered that she has a genuine interest in alchemy, even if most of Albedo’s explanations go right over her head. Ayli will often find Albedo on Dragonspine and she will quietly watch him sketch the scenery. In return for keeping her company, Ayli allows Albedo to experiment on Miyu, being a rarity amongst slimes, so long as the experiments don’t harm her.Albedo shows an interest in Ayli’s mysterious origins as well and has offered to help her uncover the secrets of her past, something Ayli is eternally grateful for. Ayli has grown quite fond of the alchemist, finding his intelligence to be quite an attractive quality, and the unlikely duo have become good friends over time.Given her background, Ayli doesn’t have anywhere to call home, so she sleeps outside in a tent with Miyu every night. She sees nothing wrong with it since she’s an adventurer, but she’s still too embarrassed for anyone to know and doesn’t want to worry people, so she keeps it a secret.

Ayli is deeply infatuated with Albedo. She met the alchemist on a typical commission in Mondstadt to deliver materials to Sucrose. As soon as she laid eyes on Albedo, Ayli felt a feeling like she had never felt before. Getting to know Albedo was indeed a challenge, but Ayli is nothing if not persistent. She began to focus on commissions that were in Mondstadt and Dragonspine in hopes of catching a glimpse of him again, but she soon learned of his reclusive nature. Her persistence finally paid off one snowy day on Dragonspine. Ayli was on a mission when the weather took a turn for the worse, and she became lost in the blizzard as the sun began to set. Albedo found her nearly frozen to death and let her take refuge in his nearby lab.Albedo had always known that Ayli was purposely trying to get close to him, but he couldn’t believe she would be so reckless in doing so. On that night in the cave side lab, Ayli finally opened up about her insecurities and her desire to have a real friend. Albedo empathized with the difficulties of making friends and decided that he would do his best to be a friend to Ayli.Since that night, Ayli and Albedo have grown much closer and can be considered very good friends. Ayli visits Albedo in his lab regularly and is content with the quiet atmosphere that Albedo thrives in, and Albedo enjoys having the company of a cheerful individual who respects that. Ayli allows Albedo to examine and research Miyu, and Albedo tries to help Ayli uncover the mysteries of her past. The more time the pair spend together, the more Ayli realizes that she truly loves Albedo.She calls him “Bedo”, and when she’s in a playful mood, “Albedarling”, “Albedearest”, or any similar name.

After becoming closer friends, Albedo asks Ayli to help him understand his own emotions. He soon realizes that he’s developed feelings for Ayli, something Albedo never thought he was capable of. Albedo opens his heart completely and shares the truth about his origins with Ayli, needing to know that she will truly accept him wholeheartedly, and she does without question. They eventually are married and start a loving family together.They have twins, a boy and a girl, named Noah and Cecilia. Noah is shy and quiet much like his father, while Cecilia is more like Ayli and is spunky. Cecilia often gets into trouble and cries easily, but Noah is always there to soothe her. They are both intelligent like Albedo and loving like Ayli, and they’re both spoiled rotten and know how loved they are. They take more after their father as far as their appearance goes, but they do have their mother’s freckles. They like flowers, slimes, and spending time with family.
Gender: Female
Species: Human
Rarity: 4 star
Personal Details
Born: May 2nd
Age: Early to mid-20s
Height: 152 cm (5ft)
Hair: Pink
Eyes: Pink
Occupation: Adventurer
Constellation: Helianthus Roseus
Weapon: Polearm
Element: Dendro
Seiyuu: Anzai Chika (JP), Rebecca LaChance (EN)
Affiliation: Adventurers’ Guild
Special Dish: Strawberry Slime Jelly
Family: Unknown